Keep your home spic and span weekly

  • August 8, 2024

Take the stress out of cleaning your home

Martha Stewart believes that weekly cleaning is the backbone of any housekeeping regime. Easy for her to say when she had an army of cleaners to help her do it. As a working mum, or even as a stay-at-home mum (which is a full-time job too) cleaning doesn’t always get placed first on the daily task list. It often gets left to the ‘when I have time’ section, doesn’t it?

However, many cleaning specialists will tell you that there are essential areas of your home that need to be cleaned as regularly as once or twice a week in order to ensure good levels of cleanliness and avoid the growth of nasty bugs or other germs.

Here are the top five areas of your home that often get forgotten about but in actual fact need attention each week:

  1. The stairs
    – if you have stairs, and especially if they are carpeted, they should be vacuumed at least once a week. Many people forget about vacuuming the stairs as they are not situated in a living space. However, stairs are high traffic areas that are used constantly throughout the day. More importantly, if you have babies or toddlers crawling around, the stairs are most definitely an important area of the home to focus a good clean on each week.
  2. Remove cobwebs 
    – leaving cobwebs to thicken and expand is a big no-no. However, we know that when there are 101 other issues to tend to and the cobwebs are in high corners or low nooks, they can easily be ignored. Cobwebs should be removed as soon as they appear, and a thorough cleaning of your home’s nooks, crannies and corners should take place weekly.
  3. Kitchen and bathroom cupboards
    – many people focus on making sure their cutlery and crockery are clean but it doesn’t help when they are being put into dirty or dusty cupboards. Kitchen and bathroom cupboards can be areas of the home that gather the most dirt and sometimes even mould. These cupboards should be cleaned on the outside at least twice and at least once a week on the inside too.
  4. Outdoor areas 
    – many of us don’t live in our outdoor areas and patios and often only entertain in these spaces sporadically. This often allows them to become forgotten areas that only get a clean when friends or family come around. Outdoor spaces and patios can collect a lot of dust, cobwebs and allow insects to nest in their warm, dark corners. It’s highly recommended to give any patio or outdoor room a weekly once over.
  5. Bedding and towels –
    some think it’s a given to wash and adequately dry your bed linen and towelling weekly (if not bi-weekly) but sadly this is sometimes not the case in busy households. Changing and washing your bedding and towels weekly eliminates the likelihood of bacteria and other nasties growing in the often warm, humid cloth environments.

At Flying Domestics, we understand that as a mum, taking time away from your children and out of your busy, stressful daily schedule for out-of-the-way cleaning is virtually impossible. That’s why the housekeepers we introduce are here to help.

We can advise you on putting together a weekly or fortnightly calendar of tasks that the housekeeper you employ will take care of in your home.  Making sure that the essential as well as those harder to clean spaces are being cleaned, ensuring more peace of mind and free time for you.

Contact us today on (08) 9355 5177 to find out more about us introducing a housekeeper to commence at your home.